Healthy You – “Health At Every Size” Program

The Health at Every Size (HAES)® movement emphasizes positive lifestyle changes for the sake of health rather than focusing on weight. HAES celebrates all body shapes and sizes, encouraging followers to improve their health while respecting the body they have now.

The CKFHT is proud to present an 8 week program that presents HAES material in a fun and interactive way. A dietitian and social worker collaborate to engage participants in weekly 2 hour sessions including the following topics:

• Goal setting
• Enjoyable physical activity
• Stress/cravings
• Healthy eating behaviours or “Mindful Eating”
• Body image
• Relationship with food

Snacks and recipes are provided. This program runs free of charge, and is open to the public! We look forward to sharing our passion for HAES with you.
For more information or to register for the next class, contact 519-354-2172 ext 3.